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Computer Coding Projects/Assignemts

Download the pdf below and design the content using html or any other languages thought on notepads or any html editor, Run on your computer for presentation.
All the projects are the requirements for award of Computer Coding certificate

Coding Project-Basic

Coding Project-Calendar

Coding Project-Calculator

Coding Project-Ecommerce

Coding Project-Bank App

Below are the images you require for the different projects
Project Images

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To mention but few, Our features include
  • Balanced Curriculum: Nigerian-British curriculum

  • Seasoned and Tested professionals

  • Conducive classrooms and environment with conveniences

  • Moral, Social and foreign language teaching

  • Excellent Pupil/Student - Teacher ratio (15:1)

  • Moderate and Affordable School Fees

  • Extra Curricular activities such as Sports, Social gathering e.t.c

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